Confectionery Tips, Tutorials, and News
Surprise Your Father With an Edible Tie [Video Tutorial]
![Surprise Your Father With an Edible Tie [Video Tutorial]]({width}x.jpg?v=1677608388)
Guys, Father's Day has arrived at Fest Cake! And to celebrate this very special date honoring such important people in our lives, we brought the "Daddy's Tie" 3-part chocolate mould! We already have our coloured chocolates ready, because we're going to make them in different colours. Let's go! Our mould has three separate parts. The flexible part and the part with a fill line indicating how much chocolate we have to fill. To make it easier, I already attach the flexible part to the third part, the lid, so we don't waste time and lose the tempering of the chocolate....
DIY Chocolate Christmas Decorations with Red and Gold Glitter

Today we will be making Christmas decorations with chocolate spheres and glitter!We start with our BWB three-part 50mm (5cm) sphere mould. The code number 9419.These BWB moulds have three parts. It’s where the magic happens. The video tutorial demonstrates how to use it and shows you the result this amazing mould produces. Let's go.First, remove the flexible part to prepare everything. One important tip for you to work with chocolate is having everything prepared and organised. Because chocolate tempers and sets quickly, pre-production makes your job easier.Take the melted chocolate. In the video, I use Compound Chocolate which does not...
DIY Hot Chocolate Bomb Drink

Are there any chocolate lovers out there? Today, we will learn how to make chocolate bombs! We will do it with one of our current favorite BWB moulds. It's our 7cm (70mm) sphere mould. And we will demonstrate it right now! Start with melted chocolate and the clean BWB mould. Fill it with chocolate up to the mark on the side of the cavity. If you are not familiar with BWB yet, they have 3-part moulds that facilitate the process and help us be more precise. All of the BWB moulds come with indicators that make our job so much easier. One...
How to Make Chocolate Musical Instruments and Notes

Do you like music? Okay, who doesn’t? You can use the simple chocolate moulds by BWB to make small musical notes and instruments out of chocolate to use as decorations on your sweet creations. We’re going to use them to decorate a cake but you can put them on cupcakes, larger chocolate forms, pies or a variety of other desserts. Of course, you can pop them in your mouth and eat them straight, too. These simple moulds are really easy to use. Just fill each cavity with melted chocolate. I recommend you use a piping bag. It’s easier and makes...
Make a Filled Chocolate Bar and Paint it with Rose Gold Lustre Dust

Today is the day to use our three-part chocolate bar mould from BWB. After making a perfect chocolate shell, we are going to fill it then spray paint it using Metallic Rose Gold lustre dust and grain alcohol in the incredibly popular Hobbycor manual airbrush. This is a special chocolate mould because it has three parts. The combination of two rigid plastic parts with a flexible plastic insert allows you to quickly and easily make uniform shells with a perfect finish every time. Not only that, you avoid any waste. The process is quite simple. You can start by...